IE512: Handouts

Sewoong Oh, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
0. Prerequisite on mathematical proofs and recurrences (last updated on Jan 20th 5:00PM)

  1. Eulerian cycle and minimum spanning tree,
    and reference: Network Flows by Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin, Chapter 13

  2. Matching and stable marriage problem,
    [Slides] on bipartite matching,
    [Slides] on stable matching,
    and reference: Network Flows by Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin, Chapter 12

  3. Paths, trees, and connectivity,
    [Slides] on counting trees,
    and reference: Network Flows by Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin, Chapter 4

  4. Random walk and graph Laplacian,
    [Slides] on spectral methods,

  5. Network flow and maximum flow problem,
    [Slides] on maximum flow,
    and reference: Network Flows by Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin, Chapter 6 and 7

  6. Linear Programming,
    [Slides] on linear program,

  7. Online Algorithms,
    [Slides] on online algorithms,

  8. Cake Cutting,
    [Slides] on cake cutting,

  9. Submodular functions,
    [Slides] on submodular optimization,

Practice Exam

  1. 2013 Final

  2. 2014 Midterm

  3. 2014 Midterm Solution

  4. 2014 Final Solution